Edible Erin

Ch-ch-ch-changes June 11, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — edibleerin @ 12:07 am

Today officially marked the end of week two since I graduated from college. Despite the fact that I am now the proud owner of a rolled-up piece of parchment (that’s right, I definitely was not about to pay $1,353,235,132,513 for a sheepskin diploma), not much has changed.  I remain jobless and the pile of stuff I accumulated over the last four years remains in the garage, because my room remains in a terrible state of disarray. No one’s shocked.

There has been at least one big change, though: rather than relying on some combination of Blue Sky, Macado’s, the co-op and myself for all my meals, I now am lucky enough to be a regular patron of Chez Mom.  I would never complain about this–my Mom is a FANTASTIC cook.  But it does mean that Edible Erin has taken a brief hiatus.  Now, lest you think I have not been flexing my culinary thumbs at all, I do still make my own lunches.  (I also make my own breakfasts, but I don’t imagine anyone would be particularly thrilled to hear about Eggo waffles topped with chocolate chips.)  Being a creature of habit, I often go for the classic lunchtime sandwich.  The beauty of the sandwich, of course, is that the possibilities are literally endless.  I like variety as much as anyone, but one incarnation I’ve found myself returning to a few times over the past couple weeks is my take on the fried egg sandwich.   It’s unbelievably easy, but also (I find) quite tasty and satisfying.

I don’t know that such a simple sandwich merits a full-on recipe, but I’ll gladly share how I make it anyway.   First, melt about a tablespoon of margarine/butter/whatever you use in a small frying pan over medium-high heat.  Once hot enough (test by shaking a few droplets of water into the pan; if the droplets skitter, the pan is ready), crack an egg into the pan and puncture the yolk.  While the egg whites are beginning to set, pop your bread into the toaster — I use a whole wheat English muffin instead of bread, because I find it’s a better size for the egg (and it fits with the slightly breakfast-y theme), but whatever works.  Thinly slice about 1/4 of an avocado and set aside (when there’s some in the fridge, I slice up some cucumber, too).  By now, the egg should be fairly set on the bottom; flip it over to allow the other side to cook (this does not take long, so keep an eye on it or you’re going to have one very dry egg).  Top one half of the English muffin with the sliced avocado (and cucumber, if you’re using it); place the egg on top of the avocado. (*Note:  it sometimes helps to slightly press the avocado into the English muffin with a fork, as it can be slippery and slide right off the muffin.)  Top with one slice of provolone cheese and a healthy squirt of Dijon mustard, cover with the other half of the English muffin and enjoy!